I see some good opportunities for real estate investors. The Watchtower may be very motivated to sell pronto!
never a jw
JoinedPosts by never a jw
Latest UPDATE UK Charity Commission investigation
by Watchtower-Free ingood afternoon,.
i am writing to give you a quick update about our ongoing statutory inquiries into safeguarding and charities linked to jehovah’s witnesses.. as you may know, one of our inquiries is into watch tower bible and tract society of britain.
we opened this inquiry in 2014. watch tower then initiated what turned out to be protracted litigation against us.
never a jw
Elders ,Ego Trips ,Personality Clashes ,and bringing down the Tall Poppy Syndrome.
by smiddy inhow often did you see / witness anything relating to these traits with the elders.?.
personally i have known an elder who was taken down by other elders in his circuit because they thought he was getting to big for his boots , and was enjoying his popularity in the circuit and it was in their opinion going to his head.. he had speaking parts on ca`s and was enjoying his popularity.
the other elders in the circuit obviously didn`t like the attention he was receiving or his inflated ego , and as a collective group cut him down to size.. simply by removing him from the " in " crowd of elders dealing with ca`s and not giving him any more talks or parts at assembly`s .. at the congregational level i have seen the same sort of thing , where an elder gets puffed up with pride / thinks more of himself than he ought to , and gets cut down by the rest of the body of elders.. last but not least , is the elder who has a very strong domineering nature who rides all over the rest of the elder arrangement , simply because he is a bully and always gets his own way on doing things in the congregation.. so is this religion .jw , an arrangement by god ?
never a jw
I saw that case once. The elder in question had university education (from another country) and his speeches were loaded with big words that most of the sheep didn't understand. The other elder on average had about 9th grade education. Well, my friend, the hunted educated elder, was demoted to just publisher for few years. I don't know the exact charges, but related to his being too controlling/bullying. During the witch hunt times his wife would call me and gave me details about the other elders: alcoholism, favoritism towards their own children, pervert eyes when looking at women, etc. Lots of juicy stuff.
Since my hunted elder gave me a bible study, the other elders thought I could be useful in providing incriminating information about my friend. Therefore, my wife and I were invited to a party of only elders and MS. Well....it backfired...several of them were having a racist conversation saying that the members of a certain group were too lazy and irresponsible. Since at that time I sided with my friend, the hunted elder, I decided to write a letter to the Watchtower Brooklyn headquarters conveying my recent discoveries about the hunters, including the recent racist comments by many of them. Well, well. Within two months there was an new elder in that Spanish congregation who spoke poor Spanish, but he was a member of the race that the other elders made racist comments about. Coincidence?.... I don't think so.
Well... im disfellowshipped now.
by pale.emperor invery long story.
i've been away from this site for a while.. basically, i tried to leave.
handed in my disassociation letter, it kicked up a storm and 2 weeks later i was disfellowshipped.
never a jw
. My daughter wont be baptized into this i can promise you all that.
I am glad to hear that. It should be goal #1
GB travel preferences
by StarTrekAngel ini know this questions has been asked many times before.
this seems to answer it.
although some may question the articles credibility.
never a jw
Lloyd may have been accused of narcissism and sloppy handling of personal data, but I think his reporting credibility is well established by the record. If I got it wrong, please correct me.
I came here three years ago for support and to make friends
by KateWild inthis site is such a great and valuable resource and simon is to be commended for running it for so long.
when i first came i was in such a bad state and really needed support and friendship.
so many posters commented on my threads and showed genuine care some are real life friends, some are facebook friends, some i talk to on the phone and some are forum friends.. i have just realised though that everyone online is not your friend.
never a jw
If you write about controversial ideas or topics expect controversy and plenty of challenges.
If you are down and need advice, support and soothing comments you will get that too.
Just don't confuse one case with the other. There's a time for each, separately.
My daughter graduated Bachelor of Arts with First Class Honours yesterday.
by Xanthippe in.
stash: /intesoft-inc.appspot.com/post/867be77a3c2f41bd8d3b930cbfb629c0.html
never a jw
Congratulations to your daughter and to you!!! A much bigger accomplishment given the background of repression of ideas and personal pursuits.
I am quite confident that I will post this kind of photo in two years about my daughter and five years from now about my son.
I conclude evolution is guided
by KateWild inyour qualifications are way above mine so i'd love to hear more about the specifics of what you have researched and how that supports the existence of a deity.
k99, i am not really convinced that you're interested in my conclusions.
in nature amino acids formed to then form dna.
never a jw
I conclude evolution is guided
Then the deity guiding evolution has produced so much waste. That's OK for us imperfect humans, but not for the creator of the universe to have so many defective, unfit species and individuals (99.99%) over billions of years. Also, why would it take him 3.8 billion years (history of life on earth) to come with up with his "wonderful" present designs. Even imperfect humans can do better given that long a time. Look at the human accomplishments just in the last 200 years. How much can they do in 3,8000,000,000 years. Look out God, The creators of artificial intelligence are going to out do your designs very soon. In fact, they are doing it now. Your guided process of producing food became insufficient many decades or even centuries ago. It took human ingenuity to improve your inefficient evolutionary process to produce food.
Kids continue to leave in droves - so what is the organization's grand plan? This
by sir82 injws have one of the worst, if not the worst, retention rates among their kids.
i've seen numbers from 65% to 88% who leave, never to return.. you'd think this would be a priority amongst the leadership, right?
where do tomorrow's leaders come from, if the vast majority of kids leave the organization?
never a jw
This is why religious fundamentalist, the homophobic, the racists of the white KKK and black KKK have no chance of growing in the future. Here's a picture of kids from California arriving in Japan. They are in a cultural exchange where once a year we host for two weeks students from Japan or South Korea and they reciprocate. My son and 10 friends are staying for two weeks with a Japanese family that speaks almost no English. What's so cool about these kids. They are a cross section of the U.S. and the world. They are children of immigrants from all over the world, from every corner of Europe (Spain, Italy, Romania, Germany), the middle East (Iran) the Philipines, Latin America, Africa. They are descendants of the white, the brown, the yellow and the black. They are completely indifferent to their peers' religion, country of origin, sexual orientation, skin color. They don't care about your long or short dress, your purple hair, your tattoo, your ring on the nose. they are internet savvy. They are attending higher education institutions
The governing body has no chance against "this generation"
My son is blocking the bottom of the "P" in Japan
Goodbye JWD/JWN (my last post)
by slimboyfat inafter some considerable thought i have decided that i will no longer post on this forum because i want to return to jehovah.
thank you for all the kindness and many interesting discussions over the years.
i wish you all well in the future and the decisions you make.
never a jw
So far I have been a faithful follower of Slimboyfat example. I said good bye twice only to come back a short time later.
OK. I will do whatever Slim does.
I wish you well everyone. I'm out of here for good!
Jehovah's Witnesses age demographics compared to US population and other beliefs- PEW study
by Balaamsass2 ini found this pew data of passing interest.
it flies in the face of what i have seen in english congregations, but when i think of all the spanish congregations, it made sense.
jws show fewer senior members than mainline churches.
never a jw
Quite promising expansion expectations for Hindus, Muslims, agnostics and atheists. JW's are in the middle of the range, but these statistics don't and can't factor in the myriad of problems the JW leadership is facing right now. I think JW's are going to move up rather rapidly towards the top of that table in the coming decades.